WPA Photos 2018

We have posted seven galleries of photos with hot links where you can view, download and print photos.

Thanks to Shari Young Kuchenbecker, Ph.D. who took these 2018 Convention photos and organized them for your enjoyment.

If you find one of yourself you would like to have removed, please contact us.



Featured Speakers, Paper Sessions, Poster Sessions, Symposia, Statistical Workshop, The Last Lecture, and WPA 2018 Social Hour
(381 photos)


 Thursday Evening

Mom & Pop Talk Psych Shop – Phil Zimbardo and Christina Maslach
(116 photos)



Invited Speakers, Round Tables, Paper Sessions, Poster Sessions, Statistical Workshop, Symposia,Featured Speakers  Elizabeth Loftus, Christina Maslach:  WPA 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients, WPA Awards Ceremony, WPA Presidential Address – Theresa Cronan, and the WPA Presidential Social Hour sponsored by Therapy Notes
(497 photos and video)



Featured Speakers, Paper Sessions, Poster Sessions, Round Tables, Statistical Workshop, Psi Beta and Psi Chi Chapter Exchanges, and Exhibitor Booths
(412 photos)


Saturday Eve – Presidential Dinner

WPA Board, Invited Guests, and WPA Past Presidents
(148 photos and video)



Featured:  Three Presidents – Theresa Cronan, Laura Freberg, & Christina Maslach, Statistical Workshop, Symposia and Inside the Mind of Dr. Zimbardo:  The Actor’s Studio Comes to WPA  with Vivian McCann and Philip Zimbardo
(103 photos plus videos)

