8:30-9:00 AM



9:00-9:15 AM  



9:15-10:15 AM  

Dane C. Joseph, George Fox University 

From Here to There: A Workshop for Teaching-Psychology Professionals Who Seek to Improve Their Craft 



10:15-10:30 AM  

  — Break — 



10:45-11:45 AM  

 Allison Vaughn, San Diego State University 

Formative and Summative Assessments that Prioritize Student Health and Wellbeing 


11:45 AM-1:00 PM 

Lunch on Your Own 


1:00-2:00 PM  

 Bethany Fleck Dillen & Pamela Ansburg, 

Metropolitan State University of Denver 

Psyched at Work! Career Exploration through Job Shadowing and Professional Development 



2:00-2:15 PM  

 — Break —  



2:15-3:15 PM 

Laura A. Freberg, California Polytechnical State Institute, San Luis Obispo 

Simplifying Teaching Tasks with AI 



3:15-3:30 PM  

 — Break — 



3:30-4:30 PM 

Wayne Weiten, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

Using the Subjectivity of Experience as a Unifying Theme in Teaching 


4:30-5:00 PM 

Closing & Badge Pickup