Jodie B. Ullman, Ph.D. has been appointed Executive Director of WPA effective November 2021. Dr. Ullman is a quantitative psychologist who earned her Ph.D. in measurement and psychometrics from UCLA. She has been a professor of psychology at California State University, San Bernardino for 26 years. Jodie has been a member of WPA since 1988 when she made her first poster presentation as a “just so excited to be at WPA” graduate student. Since then, she has been extensively involved in WPA leadership, serving as Program Chair, Statistics Workshop Coordinator, Secretary/Treasurer, and President. Along the way she has been awarded Fellow status, and both the WPA Outstanding Teaching and WPA Service Awards. Jodie is honored to serve in this new role as she believes to her core in the excellent mission of WPA and the valuable, collegial community that has developed around WPA.

While we are excited to welcome Jodie, we are also very sad to see Kris Leppien-Christensen retire from this role. Kris has brought outstanding leadership and collegiality to WPA for the last three years. We are particularly grateful for his leadership and hard work through the pandemic conventions! Thank you so much Kris! We look forward to seeing you relaxing and simply enjoying the convention!